Find out how to take advantage of your Royal Museums Greenwich Membership benefits, including free tickets, discounts and more.
Will I receive a Membership card?
If you are a new Member, you will receive your Membership card digitally, as an attachment to your joining confirmation. This card includes all the details that you need to access tickets online, and your Membership barcode to be scanned when you visit the Museum. If you would prefer you can request a physical, plastic Membership card. You can do so by contacting the Membership office, or by going to any of the admission desks at the Museum.
Do I need to book a slot to visit Royal Museums Greenwich even if I’m a Member?
As a Member you do not need to pre-book your general admissions tickets to Royal Museums Greenwich, simply scan your card for fast-track access. However you are strongly recommended to pre-book shows at the Peter Harrison Planetarium, as they often sold-out in advance, especially on weekends and school holidays.
How do I book my free Members’ ticket to visit a site at Royal Museums Greenwich?
As a Member you do not need to pre-book your general admissions tickets to Royal Museums Greenwich, simply scan your card for fast-track access. However, you are strongly recommended to pre-book shows at the Peter Harrison Planetarium, as they often sell-out in advance, especially on weekends and school holidays.
Book your Members’ tickets via our online portal here. To log-in please enter your surname and Membership number. Your Membership number is the long number located on your plastic or digital Membership card, underneath your Membership barcode. Please note if you hold a Membership for two people and each Member has a different surname you will need to enter the surname of the ‘lead’ Member to book your tickets.
If you are having problems logging into our system, we recommend refreshing the page, opening the link in another browser or clearing your cache.
You can also book tickets by contacting our office directly either by emailing membership@rmg.co.uk or by calling 020 8312 6678.
What if I have booked Member tickets but I can no longer use them?
If you have booked a slot to visit us and you can no longer use it, please contact the Membership Team directly on membership@rmg.co.uk or 020 83126678. We can then release the tickets to be used by another visitor and rebook you new tickets if your preferred date is available.
How do I find out about Members' exclusive events?
Information about our Members' only events will be emailed to all Members who we have permission to contact. If you haven't been receiving these emails, we may not have permission to contact you, or may hold incorrect details for you. Please contact our office directly by emailing membership@rmg.co.uk or by calling 020 8312 6678.
Is the Members’ Room open?
Unfortunately due to the roof works taking place at the National Maritime Museum, there is no access to the Members' room at the National Maritime Museum.
I’ve lost my Membership card. What should I do?
Please contact the Membership office who will arrange a replacement for you. We are also able to reprint Membership cards on site, just go to any admission desk at our sites.
Where are the Membership cards for children on my Family Membership?
All Family Memberships cover up to 4 children between the ages of 4-15 year olds, but we do not take any details of these children, and they are not issued cards. Child Members are covered by the adults in their party's Membership cards.
What is the age limit for children on a Family Membership?
Children are considered to be anyone under the age of 16. If you have children older than this and they wish to use Membership benefits, they will either need to purchase their own individual Membership or you can purchase a guest pass to add to your Membership.
Please note: if you purchase a guest pass, this means that your child will only be able to visit the Museum when accompanied by one of the adults on the Membership.
What is a Direct Debit Membership?
Paying by annual Direct Debit is the most convenient way to manage your Membership, and you save £10 on your Membership too. Payment will not be collected when you sign up, but on a later date specified in your confirmation letter. Your Membership will renew automatically every year.
We will notify you 10 working days before your renewal payment is due. You can cancel your Direct Debit at any time after your first payment by simply contacting either the Membership Office or your bank or building society.
If you wish to cancel your Direct Debit prior to renewal, you can do so directly with your bank, or contact our office via telephone or email. Please do ensure you cancel the mandate more than three working days before the payment is due.
Can I have different people as my second Member in each visit, or bring a guest?
Membership is for the named person(s) and is non-transferrable. If you wish to bring a guest when you visit the Museum you can purchase a guest pass for £25. This means an unnamed adult guest can gain free admission alongside you to Cutty Sark, the Royal Observatory, special exhibitions at the National Maritime Museum and Planetarium shows.
Please do note that you will still need to book your guests ticket in advance using our membership portal.
Does my guest get a Membership card?
As guest passes can only be used when the Member is present you won’t receive a separate card for your guest pass. Your guest pass will instead be attached to your Membership card, and will allow you to book additional tickets when pre-booking to visit our sites.
I am a visitor with disabilities. Can my companion go free with my Membership?
Yes, your companion goes free when they are accompanying you. Please ensure that you have added a free companion ticket to your booking when you visit our sites.
How do I activate my Gift Membership voucher?
You can active your Gift Membership code by calling the Membership team. We are currently unable to activate Gift Membership vouchers online.
I’m a Flamsteed Astronomy Society Member. How do I book Flamsteed events online?
Please visit flamsteed.info for information about upcoming Flamsteed events. If you still have queries contact the Society directly on Flamsteed@rmg.co.uk.
What are the terms and conditions of the Membership?
You can see all Membership terms and conditions below.