We are delighted you want to shoot with us. To start your application, please get in touch by email or phone with as many details as possible.
All fees are based on the individual requirements of each project and are charged on a per hour basis.
Once our Filming Team have reviewed your application, they will be in touch with an initial quote, which may vary until we have received full details and have conducted a show round and recce.
The fee quoted will be based on onsite/offsite timings. The fee must be paid in full in advance of the first day of filming/ photography.
Commercial filming and photography can only take place with written permission from Royal Museums Greenwich. Charges and additional license fees may be applicable.
Before filming can proceed we will need to have received the following:
- Completed Filming and Photography Application Form with comprehensive details of the operational procedures
- Signed Contract
- Proof of Public Liability Insurance to a value of £10,000,000, valid for the entire time you shall be working onsite
- A Risk Assessment and Method Statement, completed and signed
- Payment in full
- Names of all crew/personnel attending the shoot
- Full details of any equipment and vehicles you shall be bringing onsite, and of any power requirements
- Registration details for any vehicles coming onsite.
Please note that every effort will be made to accommodate filming at Royal Museums Greenwich. However as our main priorities are to remain open to the public 7 days a week, 10am-5pm (10am-6pm during certain holiday periods), and to preserve and display the collections within our care, we reserve the right to decline filming projects at our absolute discretion. Closure requests during public opening hours are subject to directorate approval.
You are also required to visit the proposed site in advance of any filming/photography, and to meet with one of our Filming Officers.

Email us at events@rmg.co.uk
Call us on +44 20 8312 8517
Main Contact:
Giulia Pappalardo
020 8312 8517
Site health, safety, fire and security
Please download our site health, safety, fire and security guidelines
Non-commercial filming
For Press Use
Press filming/photography applies to coverage related to the Museum, its collection, our expertise (including for topical news items) and current Museum activity (including temporary exhibitions and displays).
If you are looking to conduct filming or photography for broadcast or publication please contact RMG’s Press Office - press@rmg.co.uk
Non Commercial Filming/Photography
If you plan to take photos of footage for your own personal use, we would ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:
- Photography and video using drones (UAV’s), a tripod, gimble, monopod, flash, supplementary lighting and other professional equipment is strictly forbidden.
- ‘Super’ selfie sticks are not to be used in the galleries.
For clarity, images for personal use are defined as those taken by visitors to our museums to be used as mementos or to show others they have visited. Our sites are not to be used as a backdrop for other activity without the necessary permissions, insurance and risk assessments in place. Filming and photography shoots promoting any product on social media platforms are classed as commercial shoots. Engagement and wedding shoots are prohibited unless the wedding is taking place onsite.
Please contact RMG Enquiries if you have any queries about non-commercial photography at RMG - RMGEnquiries@rmg.co.uk
Please note that the Museum reserves the right to be selective as to the filming and photography projects it accepts, and shall levy a fee or ask you to stop your activity where it deems necessary.