Welcome to the Cutty Sark learning page! Please find printable self-guided trails, videos with characters on board Cutty Sark and more!
Cutty Sark self-guided visit trails
Choose from one of our three fun & educational trails
EYFS & KS1 Story ship trail
KS2 Historical enquiry part 1 (pre-visit)
KS2 Historical enquiry part 2 (during visit)
KS2 Trade trail
Sea Stories (KS1-2)
Find out about some of the world's explorers, seafarers and pirates and learn how to write your own tale inspired by the sea
Cutty Sark – Meet the crew (KS1-2)
Click on the characters below to hear them talk about their work
Creative Collections (KS2-4)
Channel your creativity and be inspired by the collections at Royal Museums Greenwich

Life at the Museum
Learn how to create your very own museum, and watch videos to discover the different types of jobs at Royal Museums Greenwich
Keep exploring
Discover learning resources and activities from the astronomy education team at the Royal Observatory.