Explore the night sky using our online resources and make-and-do activities specially designed by astronomers at the Royal Observatory, all from the comfort of your own home.
Explore space from the comfort of your own home!
Take a look at our videos to discover what space is really like! In our videos, you can:
1. Make your own Solar System in a box
2. Recreate star trails
3. Keep an eye out for the Moon's changing face
4. Search for the planet Jupiter in the night sky
5. Learn to make your own sundial
6. Make a star scope to learn the shapes of the constellations
7. Draw your own star-forming nebula with NebulArt
8. Make a galaxy of your own with Galaxy Goo
9. Create a gas-giant planet
10. Put together your own two-stage rocket
Watch more Astronomy at Home videos on our YouTube channel
Make sure to keep in contact with us on Twitter!
What is your favourite planet? And your favourite phase of the Moon? Make sure to send us your answers and any photographs of your handmade Solar System, drawings of the Moon or anything astronomy-related to us on our Twitter Handle @ROGAstronomers. Also if you have any questions, then please send them to us on Twitter and we'll respond!
Want to learn more about astronomy?
Please make sure to check out our Learning at Home page, where you can find a range of educational activities and resources for all ages and key stages. These resources have been made by Royal Observatory astronomers in collaboration with our teacher forum. Find it here: Royal Observatory Learning at Home